Wish you an awesome year 2022!!!!!

As a single parent, I do not like uncertainties but of course, there are always uncertainties in the life of a single parent. Your baby sitter will let you down, your boss will call you the moment you leave to pick up your kids, last minute cancellation appointment because your son is sick… almost everyday, there is something to manage and you have to deal with it.

A new year means a new beginning and therefore a lot of uncertainties.

Planning ahead is the best way to deal with uncertainties. For single parents, the well-being of our children depends heavily on our ability to react in the face of adversity. By planning, you are proactive and therefore able to identify potential challenges. You can then work to resolve them in advance. You are also able to define how you are going to measure your progress. it’s very rewarding… we work a lot and sometimes it’s important to take the time and look back on our achievements.

Here are the 3 essential steps to plan your year like a pro:

Step 1:  Know where you are?  

Take a GPS. The first thing it asks for is your current location, before anything else. GPS cannot lead you to your destination without this essential information.

Life is like a GPSt: o get where you want to be, you first need to know exactly where you are in your life and it’s not just about money, career or finances. You need to know where you are to better assess what you have to do to achieve your goals. Where are you at with your children’s education? Are you proud of how they behave? Where are you at in your career? Are you satisfied with your current job? You need to ask yourself the right questions and really assess where you are in every aspect of your life: social, spiritual, professional, and personal.Personally, I know for a fact that my social life needs improvement. I work more than I socialize. COVID 19 did not help and this is an area of my life I know I should work on..

Step 2: Know where you want to go?

When you use a GPS, in order to reach your destination, you shall provide the information on where you want to go. If you do not know , you get nowhere. Same for life, you must know where you want to go.

Ask yourself  for example where you want to be at the end of the year? What are your dreams for each area of your life? And this will drive you towards your goals. Defining a true vision for your own life is essential in achieving your dreams. It will help you to assess what efforts to put in place to reach your goals.  If you have not done so yet, I wrote a full article on the steps to follow to build a successful balanced-life and this starts by defining your vision, read it here.  You can use this practical tool to help you in the process.

For this year, for me, one of my goals is to work towards financial independence and one day be my own boss. I need time for my son so badly, but I don’t own my time and that hurts me. ….

Step 3: Make a plan

Once you know where you are at and where you want to be, it is easier to determine what actions you need to put in place to reach your target destination. Use this tool to build or update your strategic plan and get ready for what is coming.

New year, New beginning… Plan ahead to be proactive and address uncertainties. The well-being of your children depends on your ability to overcome adversity. Make sure to follow the steps and plan you year ahead to be proactive.

Don’t know where to start? Here is a  very simple tool that will help you build your plan. The tool includes a strategic plan form and an implementation plan form and uses the VPIT method : https://sparentinginstyle.com/downloads/strategic-plan-e…-a-balanced-life/

Share with us your strategy to plan your year ahead . Did you follow the 3 steps I recommended above?  

Contact us at coaching@sparentinginstyle.com if you need coaching on working on balancing your life or just want to share your personal experience.