Screen time: The 3 most harmful risks for children that every single parent should be aware of.

Did you know that children ages 8-18 spend almost 6 to 9 hours a day in front of a screen using entertainment media? That means between 91 and 136 days a year spent in entertainment media! Such a long screen time can expose your children to harmful risks that every parent should be aware of … Continue reading Screen time: The 3 most harmful risks for children that every single parent should be aware of.

Say no to parental burnout: Use the magic powers of checklists!

Do you know that parental burnout can be more damaging than job burnout or depression? Researchers consider that it gives rise to suicidal and escape ideations more frequently than job burnout considering the fact that you cannot escape your parenting role like you can quit your job or take a sick leave. Say no to … Continue reading Say no to parental burnout: Use the magic powers of checklists!

Are you ready for 2021? 3 key things to do for a fruitful year.

Happy new year!!!!! 2020 is gone….  Welcome 2021… A new year with a lot of hope but also a lot of uncertainties. Uncertainties are frightening. Sometimes, it seems so easier to just act as if they do not exist and that everything will be fine. But for us, single parents, the well-being of our children … Continue reading Are you ready for 2021? 3 key things to do for a fruitful year.