Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of skills, knowledge, beliefs, values and habits. Education is critical as it helps to build reasoning and judgement abilities so each can take decisions and gain personal control on their lives.
Good education is critical to raise great adults and single parents must take particular care of the education of their children as they are alone in providing for their family.
It is important to understand that Education is either formal, non formal or informal:
Formal education is usually in school, where children learn basic knowledge and skills.
Non-formal education is structured education that take place out of school.It includes school equivalency preparation and acquisition of specific skills.Distance learning, home education or computer-assisted education are examples of non-formal education.
Informal education is less organized, less structured. It may be a parent teaching a child how to ride a bicycle or a child learning by reading.
Sparents should combine all the 3 forms of education to make sure their children receive a complete learning experience. Informal and non-formal education are as much as important than formal education.
Education at school is not enough and sparents should not rely on school to provide their children the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure success.They must complement and reinforce the knowledge gained at school with non-formal and informal education strategies.