Your well-being influences the well-being of your children. And well-being is all about balance.

All key areas of your life are equally important. You must allocate enough time for each one and not neglect one area over another, otherwise, your life will be crippled. Here is my article describing the key areas of life.

Is your life balanced? Use this tool to assess how balanced is your life:

Step 1 : Perform your own assessment for each key area  of your life using the following rates

Step 2 : Input the corresponding numbers in the rates’ column in the table for each key area of life .

Step 3 : The graphic will display automatically after you enter each rate.

1Totally dissatisfied. I do not allocate time for this area of my life
2Disatisfied.I allocate very little time for this area
3Neutral. I allocate time but not enough to be satisfied
4Satisfied. I allocate enough time but could do better
5Totally satisfied. I allocate more than enough time
Assessment rates-Life balance

The first step to succeed is to be true to yourself  and acknowledge the gaps and then, only, you can improve. Don’t be ashamed of the results, You are on the right track.

Share with us in the comments about your assessment on how balanced is your life.

Contact us at if you need coaching on working on balancing your life or just want to share your experience.

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